19 Twink

Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:22 pm
by Roadkill57
A search of this forum has found nothing about twinks, I was wondering how prevalent druid twinks at 19 are and what specs(gear specifically) people had success with? Has anyone tried a mix of gear between rogue and priest to have decent heals with decent damage and being truly hybrid?
Re: 19 Twink

Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:51 am
by JurkenSlynan
I don't have alot of experience with druid-twinks. But compared to the general pleb at the 10-19 bracket a hybridtwink would be a fucking god. But compared to other twinks such as priests, hunters etc I feel hybrids would be gimped. You'd be best off focusing on one aspect I believe, but I can be wrong.