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Feedback on PVP-build

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:38 pm
by Furilol
Hey guys!

Im currently leveling a druid and was thinking about what build would be best for BGs at 60.

This is what I've come up with: ... 0100311000


- Natures Grasp and Imp NG in Balance
I feel this is great for especially flagrunning in WSG due to obvious reasons.
Is it worth picking Imp NG though?

Here I've gone for survivability instead of damage.
My thoughts behind this is that I will most likely be some sort of support mostly healing and trying to survive being nuked rather than dishing out tons of damage.
So I thought I'd go for higher suriviability because the longer I live the more useful I can be with roots, moonfire, HoTs etc.
Also it's important to stay alive when you are running flag in WSG.

Here I went with improved healing talents so I can actually get heals off even if I have someone hitting me.
I also went with Imp. Rejuv because I feel like this will be useful for supporting my team and keeping myself alive.
This is also the reason I picked up +2% healing, it felt more important than for example an extra point in Imp. Enrage.

What do you think? Is this any good at all or am I totally wrong?

Please link a more optimal build and if you have the time I would love it if you would explain why my build isnt good and yours is better.

Thanks in advance fellow dudus ;)

Re: Feedback on PVP-build

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:43 pm
by Armilus
You probably want 3/3 Natural Shapeshifter for flag carrying. Breaking all those snares can use a lot of mana.

Re: Feedback on PVP-build

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:47 pm
by Furilol
Armilus wrote:You probably want 3/3 Natural Shapeshifter for flag carrying. Breaking all those snares can use a lot of mana.

Thanks for you input :)

Do you have any suggestion regarding which points should be moved over there?

I guess I could sacrifice Faerie Fire, not sure if giving up Natures Swiftness would be a good idea.

Something like going for 4/5 Gift of Nature and 3/3 Natural Shapeshifter instead of using the points in Feral.

Tbh, the rest of the points can be spent wherever its needed and I feel like some extra % on your heals is quite good compared to less energy/rage on certain damage abilities. ... 0100311000 (8/18/25)

I do think you're right, 30% less mana for shapeshift is pretty valuable!

Re: Feedback on PVP-build

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:52 pm
by Lorilay
I typically run flags with either 1/29/21 or 8/11/32, with a preference for the latter. It definitely depends on your team comp and style, though. If you find yourself tanking your way across mid with healers, the extra points in feral through heart of the wild really help out, although at that point you might as well just go full feral.

I tend to play with teams that focus on intercepting the EFC and controlling mid, so I usually solo my way to mid (sometimes with 1 person peeling) and make full use of swiftmend to keep myself up. The armor on some of the T2 items lets you keep your mitigation high while also having a decent amount of stam, +heal, and mana pool. The added bonus is that you can swap to your healing gear on the fly (definitely hotkey your sets in ItemRack...4-piece pvp is only useful when you're outdoors) and be an effective BG healer when the situation calls for it.

Re: Feedback on PVP-build

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:00 pm
by Furilol
Lorilay wrote:I typically run flags with either 1/29/21 or 8/11/32, with a preference for the latter. It definitely depends on your team comp and style, though. If you find yourself tanking your way across mid with healers, the extra points in feral through heart of the wild really help out, although at that point you might as well just go full feral.

I tend to play with teams that focus on intercepting the EFC and controlling mid, so I usually solo my way to mid (sometimes with 1 person peeling) and make full use of swiftmend to keep myself up. The armor on some of the T2 items lets you keep your mitigation high while also having a decent amount of stam, +heal, and mana pool. The added bonus is that you can swap to your healing gear on the fly (definitely hotkey your sets in ItemRack...4-piece pvp is only useful when you're outdoors) and be an effective BG healer when the situation calls for it.

Thanks a bunch for this, really helpful with the explanations and giving some tips on how to play.
Good to know these things beforehand so I can prepare accordingly and play my druid correctly from the start.
Well, atleast try to play it correctly... Will probably take alot of practice but I'll get there :D

Do you mind linking the speccs so I can see exactly where you would put the points?
No need to explain why you put certain points where, I can probably figure that out myself but I would be really grateful if you could post the speccs! :)

Re: Feedback on PVP-build

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:15 pm
by Lorilay
Furilol wrote:Thanks a bunch for this, really helpful with the explanations and giving some tips on how to play.
Good to know these things beforehand so I can prepare accordingly and play my druid correctly from the start.
Well, atleast try to play it correctly... Will probably take alot of practice but I'll get there :D

Do you mind linking the speccs so I can see exactly where you would put the points?
No need to explain why you put certain points where, I can probably figure that out myself but I would be really grateful if you could post the speccs! :)

8/11/32: Sometimes I change 2 points from Nature's Focus to Improved Regrowth just because. The only feral talent more than 10 deep that improves your tanking is heart of the wild, so you can basically use a healing spec and have maximum mitigation.
1/29/21: Key feral talents for tanky FC: heart of the wild, feline swiftness, thick hide. I don't like this as much because you're a lot more likely to go oom from shapeshifting.

Re: Feedback on PVP-build

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:29 pm
by Furilol
Lorilay wrote:
Furilol wrote:Thanks a bunch for this, really helpful with the explanations and giving some tips on how to play.
Good to know these things beforehand so I can prepare accordingly and play my druid correctly from the start.
Well, atleast try to play it correctly... Will probably take alot of practice but I'll get there :D

Do you mind linking the speccs so I can see exactly where you would put the points?
No need to explain why you put certain points where, I can probably figure that out myself but I would be really grateful if you could post the speccs! :)

8/11/32: Sometimes I change 2 points from Nature's Focus to Improved Regrowth just because. The only feral talent more than 10 deep that improves your tanking is heart of the wild, so you can basically use a healing spec and have maximum mitigation.
1/29/21: Key feral talents for tanky FC: heart of the wild, feline swiftness, thick hide. I don't like this as much because you're a lot more likely to go oom from shapeshifting.

Thank you Lorilay, I really appriciate the help!

The speccs look good and makes sense to me, especially when you've taken the time to give some explanations :)

The first one looks the most intresting to me as I actually like healing more than anything, and will do my best to be useful as a healer/support rather than DPS, but in WSG I'm just going to have to accept I will do nothing else but getting that flag to our base :D

But as you said, if I have to tank my way through the first one is probably the best bet.

I guess time will tell what will be needed.

Again, thanks alot for the tips and speccs!