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Earthstrike vs Zandalarian Hero Medallion

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:07 pm
by Syrma
With simple math I am pretty confident that the Earthstrike is better (if not prove me wrong pls). The question here is, do they share cooldown? If not, is it worth having them both then? How do they stand vs Maelstrom?

Re: Earthstrike vs Zandalarian Hero Medallion

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:48 pm
by Taladril
Syrma wrote:With simple math I am pretty confident that the Earthstrike is better (if not prove me wrong pls). The question here is, do they share cooldown? If not, is it worth having them both then? How do they stand vs Maelstrom?

The Jom Gabbar would be the best trinket of the ones you listed and it would be far less painful to get that than earthstrike. Are you bringing it up because earthstrike will be obtainable in a couple of days once you do the grind? I'm not clear what is exactly getting released on sunday.
As for cooldown I'd bet 95% that they all share a cooldown.

Re: Earthstrike vs Zandalarian Hero Medallion

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:38 pm
by Keftenk
Earthstrike and the related items to the quest Champion's Battlegear is patch 1.9, not 1.8.

Re: Earthstrike vs Zandalarian Hero Medallion

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:54 pm
by Zula
So the way you calculate what each item is worth is you average out how much stats you get over time. The ones that you use and it gives you a buff is easy, items such as Hand of Justice, DMC: Maelstrom and Kiss of the Spider is harder because they dont have a direct stats buff attached to it or the shift the entire stat weights(KotS).
I'm going to use the stat weights of
Dps = 14 AP
AP = 1
Str = 2.4
Agi = 2.1
%Hit = 15
%Crit = 22

Anyway heres the math over several trinkets and i'll start with some easy ones.

Use: Increase AP by 280 for 20 Seconds (Cooldown: 2 Minutes)
280 / 6 = 46,7 AP = 46,7 Dps Points
In total: 46,7 Dps Points

Slayer's Crest
Equip: 64 AP = 64 Dps Points
Use: Increase AP by 260 for 20 Seconds (Cooldown: 2 Minutes)
260 AP / 6 = 43,3 AP = 43,3 Dps Points
In total: 64 + 43,3 = 107,3 Dps Points

Drake Fang Talisman
Equip: 56 AP = 56 Dps Points
Equip: 2% Hit = 2 * 15 = 30 Dps Points
In total: 56+30 = 86 Dps Points

Hand of Justice
Equip: 20 AP = 20 Dps Points
Equip: 2% on melee hit to do an extra attack.
In total: 20 Dps Points & 2% "Windfury"
Someone more dedicated than me have to calculate this.

Okay so, these are harder ones to define. I'm not 100% these are correctly done. Either that or they are six times better than shown here.

Melee Hero Medallion
Increase Melee Damage by 40 for 20 Seconds (Decreases by 2 with every Ability / Auto Attack that lands on the target)(Cooldown: 2 Minutes)
Since ferals attacks atleast once per second. You should get the full effect every time you use it.The sequence goes like this
Hit one: 40 Added Dmg
Hit two: 38 Added Dmg
Hit three: 36 Added Dmg
Repeat this untill the stacks on the buff goes to 0.
Math: 40+38+36+34+32+30+28+26+24+22+20+18+16+14+12+10+8+6+4+2=420 Added Damage.
420 Damage / 120 Seconds = 3,5 Damage
3,5 Damage * 14 AP = 49 Dps Points

Jon Gabbar
Use: Increase AP by 65 every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.
So the sequence goes like this
Use: 65 AP
Sec 1: 65 AP
Sec 2: 130 AP
Sec 3: 130 AP
Sec 4 195 AP
Repeating this pattern and after 20 seconds you whould have gotten
Edit: Math: 65+130+195+260+325+390+455+520+585+650+0=3575 AP = 357,5 AP during the 20 seconds on average.
357,5 AP / 6 = 59,6 AP = 59,6 Dps Points

Re: Earthstrike vs Zandalarian Hero Medallion

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:34 pm
by Taladril
I'm not sure how you got the average ap for Jom Gabbar. Over 20 sec the average is 325, not 178.75. This would significantly increase its dps value. And considering its good for 20 whole seconds rather than the first 20 hits it is better than Zandalarian. I calculate it is worth 54.2 on your scale, so better than earthstrike easily.