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Innervate weapon swap macro
Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:58 pm
by Norjak
Is there an example of one floating around? I can't seem to find one that swaps weapons + casts innervate.
Seems simple enough but Googling for a while hasn't turned up anything (although there are a few lists of nice Druid macros out there for other things.)
Something like
- equip Spirit staff
- cast innervate
- equip original MH/OH
Re: Innervate weapon swap macro
Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:23 pm
by Lorilay
I use ItemRack and
ItemRack Buff Event Maker to make a custom event for when I have the innervate buff, and set it to equip my innervate set (which is just my spirit staff). It automatically swaps back to your previous weapon as long as you have a GCD up, so I also have a macro to equip my healing weapons in case it doesn't work. The nice thing about this setup is that it also works if someone else casts innervate on me.
Re: Innervate weapon swap macro
Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:42 pm
by fibes88
if you use supermacro, which you should, you can do something like this:
/script if buffed("Innervate") then equip("spirit staff")
/script if not buffed("Innervate") then equip("pew pew healy staff")
Just to give you an idea.
Re: Innervate weapon swap macro
Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:16 am
by Hammersplat
thanks for those suggestions, i got the item rack one up and running today. Thanks Lorilay.
Re: Innervate weapon swap macro
Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:03 pm
by Doofoos
I did it through item rack events but refused to use it later because if im casting at the moment of the end of innervate duration it doesn't swap my weapon back, and i dont know how to fix it
as example, trinketmenu addon have the some kind of "check", so if my character is casting something, like mount, tm is trying to automatically reequip the item every second, so i dont have to worry about equpped item
i miss this option in itemrack
Re: Innervate weapon swap macro
Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:21 pm
by Hammersplat
ah okay, i haven't used it in action yet. I guess i need to make something to change it back if it doesn't work.
Re: Innervate weapon swap macro
Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:34 pm
by Lorilay
I just have a macro to equip my healing weapon and offhand, and use it if I'm stuck with my innervate staff after the duration. I've gotten used to keeping an eye on my innervate buff and make an effort to not be mid-cast when it expires.
Re: Innervate weapon swap macro
Mon May 01, 2017 9:19 pm
by Norjak
In case anyone still uses these forums, here it is without any additional addons:
/script UseContainerItem(0,1)
/script TargetUnit("player")
/cast Innervate
/script TargetLastTarget()
This will work if you put your +spirit staff in the 1st slot of your backpack - there's a system for selecting different bags + slots but I won't list it here.
When you swap the weapon back, you just hit the macro again - you will receive the message "Spell is not ready yet" on your screen, there's probably a way to suppress that.