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Druid tanking leveling

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:56 am
by fenixas5

Im thinking of creating Druid.
Is it possible tank in dungeons while leveling or should i rather go warrior?

Kind regards,

Re: Druid tanking leveling

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:06 pm
by SuperomegaOP
Yes its very much possible. All the tanking classes do fine in 5 mans. Druid is especially nice at lower levels since swipe is amazing and warriors require to switch out of defensive stance to use thunderclap, which can be detrimental.

Re: Druid tanking leveling

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:09 am
by Zula
Druids can tank any dungeon or raid that are currently released with little to no problems.

Re: Druid tanking leveling

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:02 am
by strawburry
fenixas5 wrote:Hello,

Im thinking of creating Druid.
Is it possible tank in dungeons while leveling or should i rather go warrior?

Kind regards,

Oh absolutely!

You've got your taunt (Growl), you've got your AoE threat grabber (Swipe) and you have an on-demand rage generator (Enrage)

Also, I recently tanked a full Deadmines, I had ZERO problems and my god the rage... The amount of rage I had at times was insane. Druids are great. C: