Tanking Broodlord Lashlayer

Hello everone, i'm a Japanese player.
Now,i have a question.

No buff,I have 11145 armor in dire bear form, and in the raid.i may be have 15000 armor+(use stoneshield).
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My armor is evertime have more than warrior i think,
But , why the Broodlord Lashlayer's Mortal Strike can hit me 5361 damege ?
Previous fight、 Broodlord Lashlayer's Mortal Strike hit me about 7500 damege

Why the armor is nonsense?
Hello everone, i'm a Japanese player.
Now,i have a question.

No buff,I have 11145 armor in dire bear form, and in the raid.i may be have 15000 armor+(use stoneshield).
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My armor is evertime have more than warrior i think,
But , why the Broodlord Lashlayer's Mortal Strike can hit me 5361 damege ?
Previous fight、 Broodlord Lashlayer's Mortal Strike hit me about 7500 damege

Why the armor is nonsense?