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Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:55 am
by robil1994
So, i've been leveling my alt lately and i'm currently level 57. I've had a blast lvling as Feral and been enjoying it quite alot actually. But now when i think of what i'm going to do at 60, all i hear people say is that I can only play resto? I haven't actually played druid in Vanilla before, mained it during TBC as a Bear tank and sometimes even playing Kitty.
From what people are telling nobody is going to bring me in Vanilla as a feral, if this is the case. How is the endgame raiding and pvping as a druid in Vanilla? Is it fun at all? Cause it seems like you literally have 2 buttons.
Might just keep the druid untill Nost TBC hits because from what i see now druids in vanilla looks rather boring at max level due to them being forced into playing Resto.
If anyone bothers could you list some pros and cons with druids in general? As resto or as Feral in Vanilla.
Why would anyone want me on my druid over any other class? And why wouldnt they want me?
I dont really know what answers i'm looking for, just been very bored on my druid past level 55+ as i keep hearing people telling me to roll restoration.
Thanks in advance ;^)
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:38 am
by Bluefear
You can raid as feral if you want to do a mixture of dps and off-tanking. Only a handful of guilds are hardcore enough to deny you a raid spot as feral. However, don't expect more than 2 feral druids in a 40-man raid.
Feral druids are worse than Rogues in every aspect for DPS. 3% crit party buff might outweigh this.
Feral druids are worse than Warriors in almost every aspect of tanking
Feral druids are #1 at tanking Patchwerk's Hateful Strikes
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:31 am
by Speedwell
vanilla druids can OT or tank physical damage fights fine. very gear specific tho, you're gonna have to farm the best gear possible and make rogues sad. raids will still prefer warriors, and druids are still primarily looked at as healers in vanilla.
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:10 am
by Uzephi
As resto, you got more than two buttons... you will innervate priests as well
Blue is right though, there is some rare circumstances feral DPS will be wanted (3% crit for rogue/war party) random OT when needed, and you can still use innervate and Brez. You will not have loot prio if the gear is good for rogues as well, so keep that in mind when picking a raiding guild that wants that one or two feral druids for the group buff.
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:33 am
by St0rfan
Or just play resto. The reason my alt is a resto druid is you get to have all the fun of any healing class, minus the responsibility of ressing when there is a wipe. You can just chill basically.
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:25 am
by Slottie
I used to raid as a druid in Vanilla.
Basically everything about being feral has already been said in the posts above. (we didn't bring any, I think it was like that for 90% of all raid groups)
I loved playing resto though and I think alot of people underestimate the druid's healing capabilities.
I read alot of people saying they're pretty much useless except for CR and Innervate.. But I remember being top 3 on effective healing on a lot of fights.
With downranking druids have got a quick healing touch and with better gear pretty much endless mana.
You wont be able to use Rejuvenation alot, except if you're the druid with most +healing, because there can only be one active on a target. so basically you're gonna be spamming HT rank 4 all of the time.
If you think that's no fun at all: you're not gonna like playing resto druid. But I liked it.
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:38 am
by St0rfan
Slottie wrote:I used to raid as a druid in Vanilla.
Basically everything about being feral has already been said in the posts above. (we didn't bring any, I think it was like that for 90% of all raid groups)
I loved playing resto though and I think alot of people underestimate the druid's healing capabilities.
I read alot of people saying they're pretty much useless except for CR and Innervate.. But I remember being top 3 on effective healing on a lot of fights.
With downranking druids have got a quick healing touch and with better gear pretty much endless mana.
You wont be able to use Rejuvenation alot, except if you're the druid with most +healing, because there can only be one active on a target. so basically you're gonna be spamming HT rank 4 all of the time.
If you think that's no fun at all: you're not gonna like playing resto druid. But I liked it.
With enough +healing you can even go rank3 really.
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:08 am
by Finalfurashu
resto pvp is fun
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:50 am
by taxoro
It's hard to get spots yes, people love to fucking prejudge feral druids because "they heard it was shit in vanilla", but honestly it's completely viable in current patches. It doesn't scale well into Naxx however, but there's still druids who currently do 500dps averagely on bosses in BWL. Make sure you gather some tanking gear like the mace from tribute etc. It's important to have gear that has armor becuase armor is scaled by 500% in bearform.
For PVP fereal is a gimmic spec that can kill casters quickly but has no CC and isn't really that fun to play.
Resto: They are alright healers, neccesairy in raids because of their utility. Annoying to queue for dungeons though, because your ress has a 30min cd -.-
PVP: Resto are gods in pvp, they are used for flagcarrying in WSG, and in AB they are good healers + unfuckingkillable near flags, which makes them great at spinning it.
Re: Druid at max level pros and cons
Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:02 am
by Setup
Don't listen to these morons. Feral is garbage and the 3% crit buff doesn't get close to making it tolerable. Yes, play whatever you want, but don't go into feral with the delusion that you're going to be anything but a wasted raid slot.
And you're right -- druid is far-and-away the most boring healer. You've got one heal to use, and it's so slow that the game is like playing whack-a-mole with a sledgehammer.
Having said that, healers are who carry raids 99% of the time, not DPS or tanks, and druids have a very high effective skill cap. Resto might be boring as hell, but with the right gear, it's also very good.
source: Ive played 3-4 60 druids on vanilla realms, MC through naxx.