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Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:06 pm
by Flaat
Hey all
I am in the process of making a pre raid bis list for cat druids, allot of information is scattered around the net so thought we could discuss a few things here and make this druid forum a shining example of what a forum can be(unlike the rest of the cesspool here).

1. What hit to aim for, I am hearing both 6 and 8% hit?
2. Powershifting worth it?
3. 4 point finishers for Blood Frenzy?
5. Rip worth a debuff slot or just FB (also because we like crit and rip cannot crit)
6. other useful stuff like sharpening stones and other buffs, i remember something about a flat on hit dmg increase stone?
7. Trinkets? As alliance i just about cannot find any useful trinkets other then Blackhand's Breadth which means we need to give up on Mark of Tyranny. As horde you have the very OP Rune of the Guard Captain.

The item list i used can be found here ... ont%20Page

The item list with items chosen by me, mostly picked on easy to get but good. some picks might be slighty better but cost allot more work or gold so are not worth it for now. ... authuser=0 last page

Head--------Eye of Rend - Warchief Rend Blackhand UBRS
Neck--------Mark of Fordring: Quest - In Dreams [60+]
Shoulder---Truestrike Shoulders - BRD - Pyroguard Emberseer
Shoulder post DM option---Flamescarred Shoulders - DM Magister Kalendris
Back--------Cape of the Black Baron: UD Strat - Baron Rivendare
Chest-------Primal Batskin Jerkin: Crafted - Leatherworking (300)
Wrist--------Primal Batskin Bracers: Crafted - Leatherworking (300)
Hand--------Primal Batskin Gloves: Crafted - Leatherworking (300)
Waist-------Cloudrunner Girdle: LBRS - Quartermaster Zigris
Leg----------Shadowcraft Pants: UD Strat - Baron Rivendare
Feet---------Swiftwalker Boots: BRD - Princess Moira Bronzebeard
Finger 1----Tarnished Elven Ring: Dire Maul - Gordok Tribute chest
Finger 2----Band of Earthen Might: Quest - Verteran's Battlegear [60]
Pre DM Finger--Magma Forged Band - BRD Secret Safe or random drop
Pre DM Finger--Magni's Will - BRD Quest - The Princess's Surprise Alliance only

Weapon----Bonecrusher: Dire Maul - Quest - The Treasure of the Shen'dralar [60+]
Pre DM Weapon---The Unstoppable Force - AV Exalted
Pre DM Weapon---Fist of Omokk - Highlord Omokk - LBRS
Trinket 1
Trinket 2
idol-----------Idol of Ferocity: BRD - Lord Roccor

No discussion about feral dps being viable or no here please, only about items and rotations. If someone does post lolferal dps suxs balls do not go for the bait and do not reply.

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:56 pm
by Larsen
Most of that gear isn't in game yet.

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:21 pm
by tonberry
I like this! Just going to add links and location of item:

Flaat wrote:Head--------Ghostshroud: BRD - Chest of the Seven
Neck--------Mark of Fordring: Quest - In Dreams [60+]
Shoulder---Dark Warder's Pauldrons: BRD - Warder Stilgiss
Back--------Cape of the Black Baron: UD Strat - Baron Rivendare
Chest-------Primal Batskin Jerkin: Crafted - Leatherworking (300)
Wrist--------Primal Batskin Bracers: Crafted - Leatherworking (300)
Hand--------Primal Batskin Gloves: Crafted - Leatherworking (300)
Waist-------Cloudrunner Girdle: LBRS - Quartermaster Zigris
Leg----------Shadowcraft Pants: UD Strat - Baron Rivendare
Feet---------Swiftwalker Boots: BRD - Princess Moira Bronzebeard
Finger 1----Tarnished Elven Ring: Dire Maul - Gordok Tribute chest
Finger 2----Band of Earthen Might: Quest - Verteran's Battlegear [60]
Weapon----Bonecrusher: Dire Maul - Quest - The Treasure of the Shen'dralar [60+]
Trinket 1
Trinket 2
idol-----------Idol of Ferocity: BRD - Lord Roccor

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:32 am
by Huldra

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:35 am
by Huldra
Crit is everything. my rot is Shred to 5 combo's and then rip. If Omen procs on 5 points you use FB.

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:39 am
by Flaat
Larsen wrote:Most of that gear isn't in game yet.

Yeah just realised Dire Maul isn't in game yet, but it will be pretty soon. Added alternatives. Anything else that is not obtainable yet?

Huldra wrote:Crit is everything. my rot is Shred to 5 combo's and then rip. If Omen procs on 5 points you use FB.

Yeah but rip doesn't crit, takes a debuff slot and might even get kicked off. And if you do a shred at 4cp with the blood frenzy talent you have a chance to lose a cp proc. At the gear lvls we have now that might be not very often but once you are running with 25%+ crit it starts becoming a real problem

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:17 am
by Huldra
i think you will have that overstacking problem anyway with bloodfrenzy, another gear spec is to try to get as much AP as you can, str enchants on everything, so you hit harder

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:54 am
by Larsen
Flaat wrote:Yeah just realised Dire Maul isn't in game yet, but it will be pretty soon. Added alternatives. Anything else that is not obtainable yet?

Batskin gear is Zul'Gurub, it won't be available for months.

I don't think the Veteran's Battlegear quest is in until AQ gate event.

Pretty sure Dark Warder's Pauldrons aren't in the game yet. They don't appear on the Allakhazam list of the mob's loot table from the web archive snapshot of the pre-1.4 item database, but are there after April 2005 (when 1.4 was released).

Same with Crystal Spiked Maul, I'm fairly certain it was added late in vanilla as it's so vastly superior to any other BoE 2h. Fortunately, Impervious Giant is in-game and very good for feral. ... index.html

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:13 pm
by Keftenk
I wonder how competitive this is on Nost since Cat and Bear form are giving double AP. Thanks for the list, Flaat!

Re: Feral dps pre raid bis lists and theorycrafting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:50 pm
by Teence
Keftenk wrote:I wonder how competitive this is on Nost since Cat and Bear form are giving double AP. Thanks for the list, Flaat!

The Cat form bug was fixed earlier this week, from what I can tell. Monday evening I logged off and had somewhere in the area of 460 AP, and I logged on Tuesday evening with about 395 AP. It feels surprisingly noticeable, considering it didn't feel unbalanced even with the bug.