by buildthewall » Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:57 pm
My advice would be to put talents in anything but balance.
Personally, I like to heal, always have. So I put talents into Resto, but do quests in feral, because Vanilla feral is very strong. Even with resto talents and gear, my cat dps is still competitive. And then I have resto talents for when I actually heal dungeons.
That said, you won't get cat form until 20, as the poster above stated. But don't forget you have bear form--it's also very powerful. Cast HoTs on yourself, go bear form, and you can tank a couple mobs if you do it right.
In a pinch, as a night elf, you can meld to lose threat. If you're a tauren, war stomp + immediate regrowth is a good survival combo.
Good luck to you