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How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:08 am
by Yutsa
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this server and new to Vanilla. I only played Priest during WOTLK and Cataclysm. I've created a night-elf Druid on Nostalrius and I'm wondering how should I play it during the leveling phase of the game ?

What spec should I use ? How should I play in general ?



Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:31 pm
by submanswe
go feral. at lvl 20 you get catform.

I level as feral and I usually stay cat and most of the time I use healing touch to regain hp since it's the most mana friendly heal. about my spec I chose to go full feral at start. I can tank and dps.

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:57 pm
by buildthewall
My advice would be to put talents in anything but balance.

Personally, I like to heal, always have. So I put talents into Resto, but do quests in feral, because Vanilla feral is very strong. Even with resto talents and gear, my cat dps is still competitive. And then I have resto talents for when I actually heal dungeons.

That said, you won't get cat form until 20, as the poster above stated. But don't forget you have bear form--it's also very powerful. Cast HoTs on yourself, go bear form, and you can tank a couple mobs if you do it right.

In a pinch, as a night elf, you can meld to lose threat. If you're a tauren, war stomp + immediate regrowth is a good survival combo.

Good luck to you

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:34 am
by Weston
buildthewall wrote:In a pinch, as a night elf, you can meld to lose threat.
Good luck to you


dude is this a troll or something?

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:20 am
by buildthewall
Troll druids don't exist yet Kappa

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:48 am
by Viorus
You have three choices, two of which are very desirable, one not so much.

option a) feral. Most common and best for mob grinding. This spec utilizes bear/cat forms to either tank or DPS. You can take down mobs quickly and heal up when you're low. You use cat form in Battle Grounds.

option b) resto. Best for survivability but slowest dps. You can heal dungeons and Battle Grounds well. You can feral form to quest but slower than a feral druid. You have nature's swiftness to save your ass.

option c) balance (less desirable). Mediocre caster DPS. You can breeze through quests but be prepared to drink mana pots / drinks. In dungeons you will be a healer, but in battlegrounds you can DPS.

Have fun!

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:01 pm
by Yutsa
Thank you all for your answers. You enlightened me and I'm ready to follow the druidic ways.

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:03 pm
by GnOp
Viorus wrote:option c) balance (less desirable). Mediocre caster DPS. You can breeze through quests but be prepared to drink mana pots / drinks. In dungeons you will be a healer, but in battlegrounds you can DPS.

When lvl 45, you can switch to balance spec with the 3/3 Moonglow and the 3/3 Reflection talents.

You'll be able to dps as a caster and heal in dungeons.

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:12 pm
by Xvar
Thank you ^^

Re: How to lvl up a Druid ?

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:23 am
by Nobbynobs
And here's a nifty build which has a lot in the way of utility. ... 221510504l

My druid is currently 33 and here's her build: ... 1h5002321y