elemental shaman pvp encounter description:
lets say @ aq 40 gear lvl...
spec is 30 0 21
- Flask + Greater arcane
- goes to zerker hut takin buff
- waits for the ally flag team to come by
- Activates bwl sham trinket + Zg trinket
- Disc priest in the back gives spelldmg buff
- 5 Allys approach mounted
- Chain lightning hits
-Earthbind down
- Shock nearest target 4/5
-Ns lb 2nd target 3/5
- Allys dismount
- throwing The Big One super grenade
- Fire nova down
- Chain lightning crits lowest hp target 2/5
- Shock + Fire nova 1/5
- last target backpaddels in terror
- Equips hand of edward the odd / goes meelee
- Gets wf proc on first hit
- Gets weapon proc
- Frostshock cuz paddelin
- Instant lb crit 0/5
- Zerker and trinkets and priest buff fades from You
- Does the happy dance with the happy hat, cant stop laughing:-)
- Realizes fraps was not running
- Sadface
- Starts drinking cuz oom
- Goes afk for a smoke laughing again
Any questions?