There are two ways to be a good dps in PvE as a shaman and only two
the first way is to be an enhancement shaman using nightfall, and use searing totem on pulls longer than ~25 seconds
below is the second way
step 1: use searing totem on pulls longer than ~25 seconds
step 2: get a tank who makes a metric asston of threat consistently
step 3: wear as much mail gear as possible
step 4: depending on your playstyle, use the linked spec, or take the typical enhance spec, or take the typical elemental spec with 3/3 Elemental Devastation ... 021050001r
use caster/hybrid gear in this spec, and keep in mind its only good when everyones in blues, you may also swap parry for the 31 point elem talent and swap eye of the storm for whatever else you'd like
EDIT: thanks for pointing that out Hatson
step 5: Ideally, you'll want to find a 2.00(not 2.1) speed 1 hander for the elem spec, doesn't need to have + spell damage, and for the enhance spec, you'll want to find a weapon thats as close to 3.9 speed as possible, if its The Nicker use an iron counterweight
but as the spec that I linked to, you'll want to find a 2.6 speed 2 handed weapon(but you'd replace with 1h at BWL/AQ20, caster weapon or not; don't get a 2.7 speed weapon until Dire Maul is released, and when it is use an iron counterweight on it and get 1 haste libram if you get a 2.7 speed weapon; if one hander, do not get a 2.7 speed weapon
examples of 3.9 speed weapons include Slavedriver's cane, Gri'lek's Carver(ZG), and Crystal Spiked Maul from Abyssal Signet(or scepter?) turnins; 3.8/3.7 speed weapons should work as well
examples of 2.6 speed weapons include the ZG trash mob staff, and Angerforge's Battle Axe(if you're a new 60), and thats about it outside of crafted items which don't go above lvl 52; 2.7 speed weapons include Treant's bane from DM tribute, Rod of the Ogre Magi from the same chest, and Hammer of the Grand Crusader from strat live; once you get a 1-hander that hits harder than a 52 blue 2h and is 2.6 speed you'll use a 1h+ shield instead
examples of 2.00 speed weapons: Masterwork Stormhammer(its expensive), Iceblade Hacker, Ancient Hakkari Manslayer, Rank 14 Daggers, Barman Shanker(good luck getting that one); 1.9 speed weapons should work as well, but they won't work as good as 2.00 speed weapons of similar dps
it is not a bad thing if you get a 1.9, 2.5, or 3.8, or even 3.7 speed weapon and use it
notably, and as is obvious, the spec that I linked to is only good until BWL, when you find a better weapon there, and the entire spec pales in comparison to the enhance spec
at the end, the elem spec is the best, and heres why
how to: play these three specs to do good dps
step 6: get in melee range and stay there as long as possible
step 7: if elem spec, spam lightning bolt in melee range; if either of the other two specs, hit the opponent wait .6-.9 seconds(depending on weapon and spec), then cast lightning bolt while still in melee range, and hope the opponent stays in melee range
you will quickly notice that your swing timer is running down while you're casting lightning bolt because of the way you're timing it
do not interrupt lightning bolt casts to stay in melee range; only interrupt it if the healers suck or you aggro or you're standing in the fire
on some fights you'll just spam lightning bolt from afar, unless you're the straight up enhance spec; in which case you just do the standard enhance routine that the guy with nightfall does
this is made possible by the same mechanics that marksmanship hunters rely on for their normal dps rotation with aimed shot, and iirc this(with hunters) is seen in some retail videos
if you have auto-attack activated, and then you begin to cast a projectile-throwing spell without deactivating auto-attack immediately after hitting the opponent, and the cast time is finished when your swing timer would otherwise finish, then your swing timer will go down while you're casting if the opponent is in melee range at the end of the cast and swing timers
this means that as elem spec, if you're in melee range and spam lightning bolt, every 2 seconds you will both hit them with a bolt of lightning and slap them with your one-hander at the same time, which can easily make 100-200 or more dps worth of difference depending on your gear choices
if you are either of the other two specs, if you have good timing you can attack, wait .6 or .9 seconds, then cast lightning bolt then at the end of the cast you'll land both a lightning bolt and a melee hit at the same time, but if you have flurry up, you can just spam lightning bolt until flurry is used up
as elem spec, you will wear spell damage gear(except the 1h weapon), and may want to pick up Storm Gauntlets, Heart of Wyrmthalak(or HoJ), and DMC: Malestrom, and a fiery enchant and the necklace from kazzak, but only if they scale with + spell damage on this server(it is implied that such items did on retail by wowhead and still did in wrath and possibly later); however with the other 2 specs this isn't so necessary
lategame you'll wanna use flametongue as elem spec because that scales with spell damage
also the spec that I linked isn't very useful outside of early 60
pros: high damage
cons: you oom fast(but so does ranged elem), you can't move from melee range, and spell pushback hurts dps; downranking lightning bolt is viable, you die from aggro even without rockbiter
this spec is hard, and in many boss fights it sucks, but when you can stand still, especially as elem, your damage goes out the fucking wazooand then you pull aggro and die
feel free to improvise with the playstyle
now, concerning resto shamans, you're always wanted just because you can heal and give the warriors windfury and you'll perform well in raids, but if you get 8/8 T1, you'll be using it until naxx
you should also use searing totem on pulls longer than ~25 seconds unless you have big mana problems as resto