Class quest bugged

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Class quest bugged

by synth » Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:53 pm

Hello, this afternoon I was doing the shaman's class' quest

this one (and previous ones)

When I completed part 6 I took part 7, it says you must speak with the water manifestation after you kill the corrupt manifestation, I went afk (like 2 minutes) before turning in the quest, then I was about completing the quest and the NPC disappeared, after that my water sapta buff also ended, now I can not complete the quest even dropping it and taking it again. Also I can't drop the whole quest chain and redo it again... GM's in game won't answer and it is critical that I get my water totem :D

Thank you!

EDIT: GM answered and told me to wait for another shaman, i did it and now its fixed. Thanks anyways

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