Viper wrote:Greetings,
E - Permanent ban.: Most serious sanction. Permanent bans are rare but definitive. This sanction is applied in case of multiple violations of the rules, or after multiple account interruption, as well as any of the following:
Exchanging accounts, gold, items, or any ingame services for another game's features;
Selling/Buying accounts, gold, items, or any ingame services with real money;
Lot of accounts were banned tonight on that topic.
Feel free to create a new account, by respecting our rules this time.
Best regards,
Making multiple topics won't help. However, judging by your gear, you came across a ton of gold fairly quickly. ... er=Adisane11 pieces of your gear (not counting trinket, but the 10 you're wearing + Onyxia Scale Cloak) are crafted and/or BoE. You bought most of these in ONE DAY (9/29). That's so obvious dude, it's painful. Enjoy your ban!
By the way, most of your gear is so awful I don't even know why you bought gold to get it.