The BRD quest chain starting with "Commander Gor'shak" and ending with "The Princess saved?" is not working for my character.
After handing in the quest "Commander Gor'shak", I don't seem to get a follow quest ("What's going on?").
All requisites (according to all databases I could find) are done. Contacted a gm, which said my quest status is "Commander Gor'shak": done and the follow up quests not done and not completed. Deleted Cache (WDB and WTF), removed all AddOns and tried again. Still no quest showing up. When other players start the "What's going on?" quest, I get a notification of not meeting the requirements.
I tried to report via the bug tracker tool, but when I register at Tuleap, I don't get a confirmation mail and thus cannot activate an account to successfully login. I double checked Mail spam settings, mail adress spelling and tried with multiple mail adresses...same result.
Tried to contact admins with the hyperlink on
in the bottom line...-->when i try to send the contact formular, i get a message alogn the lines of: not beeing able to send, adress not found
If you can help me with either problem, please comment or leave a private message.
Thank you!