Hey whats up guys. I logged in and retrieved my mail which had about 15g from a few recent auction sales. A few minutes later I ended up DC'ing and had to relog. Upon logging back in I noticed the gold was gone and the mail no longer there. Now this isn't really a big deal as it was only 15g but if this were a larger sum from a large auction it would be an issue. I tried to report it and I received a yellow message saying "Game masters do not handle bug issues" or something along those lines. Anyways its something that I think should be looked at, I'm not overly upset over 15g but it still kinda sucks. Hopefully this doesn't happen to larger auctions on a regular basis.
The items sold were
Windrunner Leggings
and a few stacks of leather iirc.
If a GM does decide reimburse me upon reading this my usename is "Noväh"