Equip Macro Bug? Lost Items

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Equip Macro Bug? Lost Items

by Sevirus » Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:31 pm

I've been using this macro to switch gear for increased mount speed and then switch back to regular gear:

/equip Embossed Leather Gloves
/equip Worn Running Boots
/equip Carrot on a stick
/equip Bloodfang Gloves
/equip Nightslayer Boots
/equip Insignia of the Horde

The other day in Org when I used the macro, my character froze with the pvp trinket animation (it looked like my toon was casting a holy spell) I relogged, boom, t2 gloves t1 boots and trinket gone.

I know GMs here just give you the middle finger if you lose items, but im wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if there's a different macro I should be using?

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