Why i got banned?

Account or connection issues

Why i got banned?

by qwert951024 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:30 pm

Hello GM
I’m a wower since 2008. When first time I heard that there was a new server called nostalrius I joined it and enjoy it with all old memories. I know the rules and commit I never trade gold or hacking etc. But yesterday I got banned for some reason that I don’t know. These two accounts mean everything to me. Could you tell me exactly details why I got banned? Much appreciate :)
My characters name is miaomiaochen and shiaume
Have a good day!

Re: Why i got banned?

by Leythia » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:02 pm


Your account has been banned for being compromised.

Account security is the whole responsibility of the account owner and thus the account will remain banned.

Best regards,
GM Team.
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