Player "slightybank" is using something to snipe auctions from people xferring through the neutral ah.
I was transferring stuff from ally to horde and when i got to my more valuable items 2 of them were bought literally instantly after putting them up. I had both my horde and ally alt on the auctioneer and when i bought the items i was tranferring it says I had won the bid but in the mail there was no item just money return (I was doing this very quickly, put item up for auction, alt tab to horde alt and buyout, took less than 2 seconds total time per item). On the character I put the items up with I had gotten payment for the items from "slightybank" not my horde alt. He stole 2 items that I had worked hard for, I don't expect them back but theres no way what this guy is doing is legit