grifinger wrote:Greetings!
While scamming is strictly forbidden per the Terms of Use. Game Masters will not be able to restore any items that has been scammed.
The account will be investigated, keep in mind that an investigation may take days or even weeks. I advise remaining patient during this time. And warn friends, guild mates, etc about him.
Scamming is a bannable offense as outlined in the TOU, yes:
"Participate in any action that, in the sole and absolute discretion of Nostalrius staff, results or may result in a player being "scammed" or defrauded out of currency or any other items the user has earned."
However, please cease acting as if you are staff. Your implication that it is being investigated could lead members to assume the matter is at rest. Your repeated attempts to act as if you represent staff could lead to complications outside the realm of your desire to help.