Multiboxing question

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Multiboxing question

by Bit » Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:23 am

Like many people I use /camp to conveniently get to the entrance of a dungeon. Unfortunately this only works when you're in a group.

Is it allowed to have a level 1 alt on a different account with lazypig or something to auto accept invites in order to use an /inv altname /camp macro for this?

Note that this doesn't really do anything you couldn't do by just randomly inviting a bunch of people from /who which could be automated with an addon.

However, if possible I would like to avoid bothering people with that.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Multiboxing question

by Benevael » Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:09 am


You do not need to be in a a group to accomplish this, or multibox either. In fact multiboxing to achieve this is against the terms of use. Instead, just type in the following, exactly as shown on the command line:

/script ResetInstances();

The camp command of course just logs you out. When you log back in, you will be at the front of the instance. If you are in Dire Maul, you will reappear just outside the Dire Maul west entrance, even if you were in Dire Maul East (because it's really just one huge instance).

What is going on here is that when you form a group while you are inside an instance, it actually resets the instance. So if you /camp you show up at the start of the instance. That's why it's perfectly allowed to do this, because it's the exact same mechanism. And you don't need to bother someone by asking them to join a group.

You can make a macro with that command and put it on your action bars - that's what most people do.

Regards, GM Team.
Please make sure to read the Nostalrius terms of use.
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Re: Multiboxing question

by Bit » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:19 am

Oh my god, it actually works. This is some grade A intel. Thanks so much. Will make farming lashers a lot more convenient.

Benevael wrote: that's what most people do.

Pretty sure a ton of people are still under the impression you need to group for this.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

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