Thanks for taking the time to answer,
Yes throughout the years Wow's had its share of patches, from silly nude characters to underground routes in WSG to take back the flag. You can actually see the difference between the harmless and the harmful.
Having some visual-only changes on your Client shouldn't be bannable as it doesn't break the game, merely transforms it player-side. I'm pretty sure we can find together some Bnet server Players that have modified their client just like this
Thanks bis for redirecting me to the ToU, i quote the most important sentence :
"Using or exploiting errors in design,
features, and/or bugs to gain access that is otherwise
not available, to facilitate and/or grant you an
advantage over other players."
Without the patch, it is "otherwise not available" to swap a vanilla race with Blood Elves, but does it "grand me an advantage over other players" ?
No, it simply modifies the look of my character to something that pleases me better.
This is of course how I think this matter should be handled
Edit :
The server checks the MD5 hash on all files to make sure they aren't modified. This is the reason you are being DC'd. The replacement patch will not work on this server due to this.
I got my answer anyway, thanks !