So, I finished the Fording chain in EPL on my warrior (Tuskz), only to apparently end up with the final turn in being a dead end. Taelen died at the tower, Tirion came and finished the quest completion, with myself receiving the notification that the quest was completed. I went to talk to Tirion in front of the tower, and there was no option to turn in the quest, just normal dialogue. I then proceeded to the border of EPL in an effort to attempt to turn the quest in to that Tirion, but was unable to do so as well.
Basically, I am now left with one option: Abandon, and find a group to clear out Hearthglen because I am obviously unable to re-obtain the disguise. This seems unreasonable, and I never encountered this bug on live servers. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in moving passed this bug, and completing the quest.