Try this: /script RepopMe();
(And see if you get back to GY and can ress at spirit healer)
Or try and see if someone can help and ress your corpse.
If nothing works you need to open ticket to GM:
How to contact Game Master on Nostalrius:1. Click the red question-mark "
2. Click button "Issues that GMs can assist with".
3. Choose "STUCK" (Yes, even if you are not stuck, choose this for
ALL issues on Nostalrius).
4. Click "Still not working, Page a GM".
5. Write ticket. Attach as much information and evidence as possible.
This is how you contact Game Master on Nostalrius. You will make a ticket for "Stuck" even if you are not stuck. This is how it works on Nostalrius and is the correct way of doing it here!