Hey guys, I have been playing on the server for a week now and just started experiencing this problem. After an hour or so of playing I get this weird video stuttering where every 2 seconds there is a slight pause. The video will show more but that is how I describe it. I assume it is related to addon memory usage because that is the only thing I can think of. I have played around with script memory (currently set to 72MB) and still have this issue. The max I ever had is 60MB running but usually the memory usage is only 45-50MB. Can anyone think of anything else? I am at a loss.
Sorry the video is small and pretty low quality, but it still shows the problem quite well.
For those interested PC specs:
i5 6600K - cpu
H100i GTX - Liquid CPU Cooler
AMD Radeon R9 390 - gpu
16 DDR4 RAM 2400mhz - ram
Corsair 760D - case
Samsung 850 EVO SSD 500GB
Asus Z170 AR Mobo
Corsair RM 1000x PSU
BenQ 1440p 144hz Free-Sync Monitor