hello everyone!
Yesterday I was playing on nostralrius pvp server on my hunter doing some quests on darkshore!
There was that one quest (washed ashore) that I was trying to do the 2nd part with the turtle underwater!
When I looted it finally after some time waiting I found out that the loot dissapeared and I didn't complete the quest as I normally should!
I was frustrated and so I tried to contact a gm from "Stuck" asking if he could help with my issue!
I should point out that I wrote a polite letter and if not maybe a letter that could be a little straight forward but still not rude!What I asked was that if he could help me with that quest as I have done it but It didn't complete!
After some time I logged out but left my ticket on and today when I tried to log in I discover that I'm permabanned!
I understand there are some policies in the game and I have read them but shouldn't it be nicer that we can have a notice or a warning that we are doing something wrong?
In that point of time I don't believe I did and I would like someone if not bring back my account back clarify me the reasons in which this happened!
Thank you !