whenever i try and log in I get "unable to connect" message and then after a few tries I get "This World of Warcraft account has been closed and is no longer available for use" anyone know why?
Well my first guess is that you're banned. You can test this theory by trying a bunch of times and if it persists, you're probably banned. You should contact a GM about it, send a support e-mail or whatever, or just make a new account.
mrjimuk wrote:whenever i try and log in I get "unable to connect" message and then after a few tries I get "This World of Warcraft account has been closed and is no longer available for use" anyone know why?
Automatic brute force hacking countermeasure. You were entering the wrong password too many times, and that got your account an automatic ~60 minute ban.
well its been over an hour and its still doing the same thing. I also made a brand new account with a new email/username/password and im still getting the same message
deffo not typing it wrong, and ive made like 2 more accounts with different email addresses and passwords I know that I wont be typing wrong. Still getting "unable to connect"
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