At first I get "Success" message, after waiting half a minute or so a window for choosing a realm appears. I choose "Nostalrius Begins", press okay and get stuck at "Logging in to game server". After waiting another half a minute or so the window with realms appears again. Same story, I choose "Nostalrius Begins", press okay and then again stuck at "Logging in to game server".
I am using 1.12.1 enGB client. My
- Code: Select all
set realmlist
set realmname "Nostalrius Begins"
Tried too. Also tried to change WoW.exe with the uncorrupted one from Beginner's Guide, delete WDB, WTF and addons. Tried to disable firewall (although WoW is in <Allow everything> category) .Nothing changed.
I can login at the website and it doesn't say that my account banned or something like that. I can also connect and play at another private server without any troubles. And by the way I was able to connect to Nostalrius when I was checking it out shortly after release (in March I think). Didn't play since that though, and now I am getting stuck all day long :\.