Zeeb wrote:This is the Nostalrius definition of multiboxing from ToU.
Multiboxing refers to playing multiple separate characters simultaneously. This can either be achieved by using multiple separate machines to run the game or by running multiple separate instances of the game. It is against the rules to /follow level characters, run dungeons or raids with multiple characters, PvP with multiple characters, etc.
They can see that 2 characters are on the same IP and also no where it says who is controlling other character. You had 2 separate machines, and were running dungeon with multiple characters so that qaulifies you for the ban.
There is nothing in ToU about "2 characters are on the same IP is bannable", and even more - as far as I understand Nos allows you to play 3! accounts at the same IP (read it somewhere yesterday). The only bannable case is when one person use it simultaneously.
Ok, here is my logic - a lot of ppl want to play with their friends, and this is usual occasion when you have two machines at home and what to play with someone. Like in my case - I want to play with my wife, but I dont want to be banned just for boosting of her hunter through elite quests and some low level dungeons. For example, as I understand from posts above, my wife NEEDS to move/run/loot at the same time with me just to not to be banned mistakenly?? And if she wants to piss? That's hilarious....
As a player I want to understand states of Multi-boxing in such case:
1. Can I boost someone through dungeon? (I suppose answer is yes)
2. Can I boost someone through dungeon at the same IP? (I suppose answer is yes if in NOT multi-boxing)
Anyone from Nos team can confirm here?