Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation chance?

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Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation chance?

by Wraith§Reaver » Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:22 pm

I have always wondered if it was possible to sort the list of characters after the login screen?
I mean:
[*] 3
[*] 1
[*] 2
[*] etc...

instead of
[*] 1
[*] 2
[*] 3
[*] etc...

I state that would be/is a purely personal "caprice", just to have a better visual impact and as a convenience to the characters that I use most often (and having the alt banker at the bottom would be great).

EDIT: It depends on the characters creation date in the server itself but after a little web search, i found a workaround in:
"Transfer all the ones above them to a different server, then transfer them back."

But then the logic made me realize one thing....
For devs should not be complicated to do it within the server core, right?
And also if they were using it as a reward for a donation to the server?
I think that would be very useful and constructive for everyone.
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Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Krom » Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:48 pm

It also bugs me since I remember it was once introduced in the retail game for a Wotlk patch or something like that, and after reserving all my favourite names here I realised my main is finally at the 3rd place.

But bugging you at the point of writing a post about it, even paying for it sorry my friend but I call for Obsessive-compulsive disorder :D

Also you can always count on players here who will fight proudly 'till their death ANYTHING related with staying 100% Blizzlike, whithout even considering the pros for the servers (I mean, NOT setting a .bg command for waiting 5h one battleground wich'll end in 5 min because of "non enough players", then being at another side of map so no re-queue... from a 6000+ pop... really ?) :roll:
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Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Wraith§Reaver » Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:38 pm

Krom wrote:[...]But bugging you at the point of writing a post about it, even paying for it sorry my friend but I call for Obsessive-compulsive disorder :D

"Yes your honor, I consider myself fully guilty" xD
Just saying, at launch I spent most of my time setting up addons and, above all, my characters physical appearance and names with the support of many historical/fantasy/nerd resources (from wikipedia to the elder scrolls dragon language dictionary).
Not to mention the fact that I had already planned/foreseen the relevant professions of each one (and for someone even the talent tree) by keeping in mind the "2 same race at least" ratio (1 male/1 female) I forced myself to respect xD
THIS... is madness of a real Obsessive-compulsive disorder :lol:

P.S: By the way, I added the "donation" thing only after submitted the post, because I've realized it could be a constructive donation suggestion, not p2w/blizzlike breaking like any else
Last edited by Wraith§Reaver on Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Scamp » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:37 pm

It's definitely possible from a technical standpoint (characters are stored and retrieved via their ID not creation date as far as I can tell.) Weather or not they'll open up some sort of service for it is a whole different story.

You could also do this manually yourself if you really want to. All you need to do is edit the interface .MPQ file, change the LUA that creates the character screen frames to re-order it how you like and then repack the MPQ. Not the easiest task but it's possible.
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Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Rince » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:37 pm

fool why you have more than 1 char per account

Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by gerbodis » Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:00 pm

God damn. Why. Why are there so many stupid ass requests on here ?

Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Uzephi » Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:34 am

gerbodis wrote:God damn. Why. Why are there so many stupid ass requests on here ?

Someone doesn't have OCD. I rearrange my server toons all the time on retail to get them how I want. I play two servers and it bugged me the same name wasn't in the same spot. I rejoiced when Blizz added the arrows to rearrange in 3.x.

On topic:
Do not edit the MPQ, that is against the ToS and even if you get the check sum to be the same as the original, you can still get banned for modifying the files per the server's ToU.
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Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Scamp » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:07 am

Uzephi wrote:On topic:
Do not edit the MPQ, that is against the ToS and even if you get the check sum to be the same as the original, you can still get banned for modifying the files per the server's ToU.

Really? This is news to me, the TOU seemed to imply what's not allowed is modification for the sake of exploitation. As far as I can tell UI modification is fine isn't it?

I guess ignore what I said earlier lol, its not worth it anyway, just wanted to say that it is technically possible if you have enough OCD to compel you.
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Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Uzephi » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:38 am

Scamp wrote:
Uzephi wrote:On topic:
Do not edit the MPQ, that is against the ToS and even if you get the check sum to be the same as the original, you can still get banned for modifying the files per the server's ToU.

Really? This is news to me, the TOU seemed to imply what's not allowed is modification for the sake of exploitation. As far as I can tell UI modification is fine isn't it?

I guess ignore what I said earlier lol, its not worth it anyway, just wanted to say that it is technically possible if you have enough OCD to compel you.

"Client's modification (libraries, executables, MPQ, etc.)," Class F sanction. It doesn't specify for exploitation purposes, so best not to test the waters... I hear they ban for anything nowadays O.o
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Re: Rearranging login screen characters list?...Donation cha

by Wraith§Reaver » Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:55 pm


P.S: to mods: if you deem it necessary/suitable, you can move this in the Suggestion section,
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