by solomonher » Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:35 pm
Tigru, I understand it is punishable with a ban but I am asking for a less harsh punishment as I was not "abusing" the bug in any way and the "bug" does not benefit me in any way. Just as I stated earlier, I stopped immediately after I was notified that it was illegal but then my brother used it in retaliation against another horde mage that "Blizzard" him in Tanaris when he was using my character to enchant his. Because I already had a warning, the GM banned my account even though he wasn't running around killing people. I understand I am responsible for whatever happens to my account but this is hardly "bug abusing" as my brother was not running around and Blizzarding every horde in Tanaris. This "bug exploit" does not hurt anyone nor benefit me in any way, but if when a GM told me to stop, I stopped immediately because I understood. However, a permanent ban for using Blizzard in a neutral area does not seem to be a justifiable ban, even if it is considered "bug exploiting."
PS. I was only asking for a GM to look at this because every GM seemed to be ignoring this post as I would post in this section and a minute later I would see a couple of GMs reply back in other posts, and it happened for days. I even PM'ed a GM and he ignored me.