nazi admins

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Re: nazi admins

by Elaith » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:39 pm

Who actually buys gold on private servers? Are people really that dumb?

Re: nazi admins

by nervous » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:40 pm

tomas1983 wrote:maybe u have no friends... that will do it

so u say if it looks like a goldbuyer , dont investigate just ban ?
with the whole duck story

yeh that makes sense what about innocense untill PROVEN guilty
im just throwing the info out there
but u try keep having the last word....
u dont know what u talk about nervous

If you had actually left like you said you were going to a few posts up, I might've reconsidered my thoughts on why you were banned. It just seems to me like you're trying to deceive players into jumping ship onto a server that had an abysmally awful release. How much gold did you receive and from what player?

Re: nazi admins

by Hydra9268 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:42 pm

tomas1983 wrote:admins just banned me cuz my higher lvl friend stopped here and went to kronos and gave me his gold
apperantly its against the "rules"for friends to give eachother gold

feenix 2.0 , these admins are nazis that ban for no reason

This is the worst form of hyperbole.

I would like to make a suggestion. If someone is banned their public forum access should be terminated as well. They have the ability to read the forum but only the ability to contact staff privately. This would eliminate a lot of these "passionate" and "mindless" posts from banned players.
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Re: nazi admins

by tomas1983 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:47 pm

i would have left if u had not made stupid replies nervous , u challenge my word and expect me to walk away ?
funny man

Re: nazi admins

by nervous » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:51 pm

tomas1983 wrote:i would have left if u had not made stupid replies nervous , u challenge my word and expect me to walk away ?
funny man

What's very funny is your story. Can't give a name of your friend, can't say how much gold he gave you, can't seem to walk away from an internet argument with a person playing on a server that you no longer have any attachment to.

Re: nazi admins

by Garfunkel » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:28 pm

Yes because banning a game account from a private WoW server is exactly like killing millions of people.

Even if everything you say is true, it doesn't matter. How can the GM's know you didn't give your "friend" a blowjob for those 300 gold? You claim he left for Kronos and thus gave his gold to you but, it's just as possible that you bought the gold from him for €10 or whatever the going rate is. Anyone who buys gold could use the same excuse.
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Re: nazi admins

by Keldan » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:49 pm

Garfunkel wrote:Yes because banning a game account from a private WoW server is exactly like killing millions of people.

Even if everything you say is true, it doesn't matter. How can the GM's know you didn't give your "friend" a blowjob for those 300 gold? You claim he left for Kronos and thus gave his gold to you but, it's just as possible that you bought the gold from him for €10 or whatever the going rate is. Anyone who buys gold could use the same excuse.

Then this guy should not be banned.. You should be innocent until proven guilty, not the opposite. However, I understand why this would be hard to put in place..
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Re: nazi admins

by bastey » Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:42 pm

I got banned yesterday for gold buying/selling too and the only gold (in this case silver) i got from another player in the last couple of days were 15 silver for some conjured water...

Re: nazi admins

by Garfunkel » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:18 pm

I agree that it would be fantastic if each such interaction could be fully inspected but it's probably not possible. Maybe gold transfers between guild members, both of whom have been in the guild for - let's say 2 weeks - would not cause a ban? Even that could be exploited, I guess. Problem is that the Nost staff have no way of knowing what kind of interactions took place outside of the game. True, it might be innocent and legal principle states that everyone should be treated innocent until proven guilty - but that doesn't really happen even in the real world and the other side of the coin is that Nost *not* being draconian could very easily ruin the server economy by flooding large amounts of gold into it.
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Re: nazi admins

by DarkPhenomenon » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:54 pm

OP there’s obviously something you aren’t telling me, I can’t imagine how many people have traded a few coins to a friend. Heck you may as well ban me! When I was leveling my warrior a nice fellow lent me 20silver so I could train some weapons, a few levels later I gave him a gold in return for his kindness. Better ban both of us!


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