Nostalrius Framerate on 2014 Macbook Air

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Nostalrius Framerate on 2014 Macbook Air

by djinne95 » Fri May 29, 2015 7:30 pm

I have a 2014 13" Macbook Air with 4GB RAM and Intel HD Graphics 5000. What framerate would Nostalrius run on, with varying graphics settings, from current players' experience?

Re: Nostalrius Framerate on 2014 Macbook Air

by MrCheshire » Fri May 29, 2015 8:17 pm

I'm running on an 11" Macbook air, settings that I am very happy with visual effects wise, and have perfect frame rate. Got mine at late 2014, although I do have 8GB ram, not 4.

My ping however has been quite unstable, ranging from 150ms - 900+ms, with the majority of the time being around 200-600 ms. However I do not believe this has to do with my Mac or the Mac client unless it is a very specific bug

Re: Nostalrius Framerate on 2014 Macbook Air

by Tue » Fri May 29, 2015 11:58 pm

dude nost is a vanilla server. vanilla was made 11 years could be on a 2007 mac laptop and still have good frame rates. When I played vanilla wow i was running on 1gb of ram.

Re: Nostalrius Framerate on 2014 Macbook Air

by AverageJoe » Sat May 30, 2015 1:25 am

WoW's not a graphically-intensive game. Vanilla WoW ran from 2004 to 2006 and was designed using software/tools from 1999 to 2004 roughly. Pretty much any PC or laptop manufactured within the past five to eight years could easily run it at near max settings with a high framerate.
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