Hello staff and comunity of the greatest wow server ever!
Before i start explaining my problem, i would like to state that i realise that Nostalrius takes no responsibility for hacked accounts. Also, i browsed Support forums and found some similar problems to mine, for e.g laretti problem.
Now to begin with : I didn't play for about 2 weeks, i was on hollydays. Yesteday i logged in just fine, but didin't stay online for long. When i tried to log in like 2 hours later, i started to get Unable to Connect message. I thought it might be my connection on smth. So i created another acc, and it worked . I tried to log on the Nostalrius main page, but im getting Bad Credentials error. Does this mean my account got hacked, and my password is changed? I tried to reset my password using email, but i'm getting info that is has recently been played.
I don't understand how something, or someone could change my password if i was logged on it recently too.
Is it possible that u could check if my account is logged in? I checked using another login, and my main character isn't online, but that doesn't mean there isn't a new one created.
How much time does it need to be offline for me to be able to change my password?
I understand it's not ur problem, and it's propably my fault ( i still don't know what happened ) but i spent so much time on my character....
Could you at least ban it temporary, co i could restore it?