I'll just get this straight, I botted and knew very well what I was doing. I was tempted by the promise of putting in less work into the game and I'll man up to the consequences.
I acknowledged that it damaged the playing experience for all of the other players on the server.
And for that I owe everyone who plays on the server an apology.
My sincere apologies.
I won't try to justify my actions by saying that I only did it once for two hours neither flat out lie that someone hacked my account, my brother/dog played on my account or just flat out denying ever botting.
Likewise it would be foolish to insult or threaten the GM's in my last post.
You got me, GG.
I don't expect that a few lines of words will undo this and it would be unlikely for the GM's to just unban for such a major infraction.
But I plead for a second chance, however unlikely that might be.
And if that wont be possible, I enjoyed the time I had on the server with some great friends and hopefully I'll see them again sometime.