Kicked to Realm List Screen

Account or connection issues

Kicked to Realm List Screen

by Syrvantez » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:05 am

First off, I've deleted WDB and WTF already multiple times with no success. I also tried login2 server as well as login in the realmlist file.

I logged in this afternoon with little trouble, but while I was in, I got booted from the server and each attempt to login results in one of three things consistently.
1. Instant "Disconnected from Server". I see this fairly regularly while playing on here, but usually just repeated login attempts bypass it. Not so today.
2. Hangs at Authenticating.
3. Successfully logs in, but constantly asks me to pick a realm. When picking Nostalrius begins, I consistently get kicked back to the realm list page. I even tried connecting to the player test realm and still it continues to insist I pick a realm. The screen goes away for a moment, says "Logging into server" then pops up with the realm list again. Help would be appreciated.

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