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I think I was banned?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:42 am
by Roflstomp
So I think I may have been banned, which would explain the connectivity issues I have been having. The website doesn't say anything about my account being banned though. However, I have heard about people logging in from the same location getting banned for some reason. Since my friend and I log in from the same router (since he has to play at my house because his father is a bit weird about video games) and he often even uses my computer for playing as well, I think I may have been banned for this?

I haven't seen him in a couple of days, so IDK if he has been banned or not as well.

If I wasn't banned, then I am having some odd issues with connecting to the server, as it keeps displaying the message that the account has been closed.

Any help is appreciated.

EDIT: Additional info, I also recently changed my password just because I was paranoid about being hacked (since they say they would not help if someone was hacked) IDK if this is relevant or not.

Re: I think I was banned?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:15 pm
by AverageJoe
The staff does not IP ban and they do not ban accounts simply for playing from the same location. If that was the case, the forums would be flooded with people protesting bans from college campuses, apartment complexes, and even household families/roommates. The few threads that do claim this are players trying to use it as an excuse when they were caught multiboxing.

If you're not seeing a ban message on the main website ("Your account was banned on %date and time% for %reason%"), your account has not been banned. The "This account has been closed" message can appear whenever people login too many times unsuccessfully. A password reset should solve that problem. Are you able to reset it and login?

Re: I think I was banned?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:36 pm
by Roflstomp
I cannot reset my password, as every time I try it tells me the account has been used recently. Does making a login attempt on wow mean it was used recently? If so, what is the wait time so that I can reset it?

Re: I think I was banned?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:55 am
by Roflstomp
So, I don't want to spam the board (which is why I am not making a new thread) but I am unable to use the main websites reset password function. It persistently tells me that the account was used recently, and that the action cannot be performed because of so. However, I have not tried to login to wow for upwards of 12 hours, and I have not successfully logged in for 3 days. I was definitely not hacked or anything, since my account can't be accessed due to reasons stated in previous posts. Please help!