Does the Terms of Use count as an official answer? on multiboxing
Multiboxing refers to playing multiple separate characters simultaneously. This can either be achieved by using multiple separate machines to run the game or by running multiple separate instances of the game. It is against the rules to /follow level characters, run dungeons or raids with multiple characters, PvP with multiple characters, etc. There are only a few situations where multiboxing is allowed in Nostalrius, e.g.:
Trading items between accounts.
Professions, as long as no farming is involved;
i.e. You can have two characters ingame simultaneously for crafting, enchanting, or trading purposes.
Each multi-box case will be judged individually.
Viper has also posted a thread that did not get a sticky:
viewtopic.php?f=30&t=2812I can safely say that I have scanned the auction house on my bank toon just to transfer over the scan to my main's savedvariables and I'm pretty sure Profitbank multiboxes since he's usually online on my friends. As far as I know, my bank account and Profitbank are not banned.