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Swamp of Sorrows quest bugs

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:22 pm
by likemi
I found two quests in Swamp of Sorrows that you are not able to complete

1) Nothing but Truth (Elite) - Horde

The last item I'll need for the serum is the blood of a dreaming whelp, like the ones that live outside Itharius' cave in the swamp.

The text shows that you need to collect item from Dreaming Whelp, though the item never drops (Deepstrider Tumor)

2) Galen's Escape - Horde / Alliance

I tried it twice and have seen other people fail to do this. The NPC continiously running around aggroing all mobs until it just dissapears

Re: Swamp of Sorrows quest bugs

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:14 pm
by 4lkazar
You need to go to desolace and kill deepstrider searcher or giant 100% droprate