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Stuck in authentication during log in

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:08 pm
by tdub2217
So, I'm going to try and make this short. I just today have had issues logging into my account. This morning I was leveling a troll rogue and for some reason I couldn't stealth, I figured I was just lagging due to bad internet and went to click "exit game" through the menu. My character sat down like I was logging out but no UI appeared, so I force closed the client. When I tried to relog later the client sat at the "authenticating" process. I have only been able to log in once since this happened, but the same problem I had before (this time stuck in animation for bandages before trying to exit the client). I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the client, deleting the WTS and WTF folders, and running as admin and none of these have worked. Please help!
Here is a screencap of what is happening:

Re: Stuck in authentication during log in

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:43 pm
by tdub2217
Update: After multiple log in attempts I can get in, but it kicks me out of the server after some time.