"Abused intentionally"
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:04 am
The ban was regarding an exploit which was abused on a "industrial level" which really means they abused it alot and intentionally, the wording could have been abit better.
And no the ban is not due to the spawn time of the nodes.
How can it be "intentional abuse" if it doesn't seem like a bug to begin with? Mining nodes respawning every 45 minutes doesn't seem like a bug.
There was no exploiting bugs, no suspicious behavior, just players walking around and mining things, with knowledge of the respawn timer. I don't see why the GMs are suddenly deciding that players taking advantage of a hard-set respawn time is "bug abuse".
And if a 45 minute respawn timer is a bug, and the admins are aware of it...why isn't it fixed? It's not the players' fault that the admins haven't fixed mining node spawns to be random. Don't punish players because of your incompetency.