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Lost items after crash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:37 pm
by noaireirei
Today during our BWL raid we, Emphasis, killed Chromaggus. The servers crashed a few seconds after the kill and when the server got back up the corpse had despawned. We do need this loot for future progress and raiding and it would be very much appreciated if this items could be restored.

It is stated in the ToU that you can restore items which have been looted, but we had no time at all to loot the items. If you check your logs you will see that we killed him just before the crash.

This screenshot provides you with everything you need to know about the loot.

Otherwise, there is a loop hole in the ToU and this loop hole needs to be fixed. The only solution to this problem for us as raiders is to give items to the wrong person all time and then PM a GM about giving items to the wrong person incase the server crashes. Do we as a guild even own dropped items even if individuals haven't looted them yet? These item's weren't ninjalooted, stolen or lost to social interactions on the server, but due to server instability and nothing else. What insurances do we have against this? Especially on a day like this when you even give us system messages that the server is crashing more than usual.

Thank you for your time.

Re: Lost items after crash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:58 pm
by Tinkertown
This has happened to a lot of guilds and they just don't do anything in this situation because...well, no one knows why.

And your alternative plan doesn't work either. Since they will under no circumstances move items from one char to another.

The only "workaround" that works is to decide, before the boss dies, who will get each possible drop and then just give it to them first thing when the boss dies.

Re: Lost items after crash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:02 pm
by noaireirei
Tinkertown wrote:The only "workaround" that works is to decide, before the boss dies, who will get each possible drop and then just give it to them first thing when the boss dies.

It is very hard when you have less than 3 seconds to loot the boss. Regardless, if this is the case then the ToU needs to be changed accordingly for everyone playing on this server.

Re: Lost items after crash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:05 pm
by Tinkertown
noaireirei wrote:It is very hard when you have less than 3 seconds to loot the boss.

Indeed. When that happens you are as you would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis.

Re: Lost items after crash

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:19 am
by noaireirei
As far as I can tell this happened to more guilds yesterday. Please respond to this issue.

Re: Lost items after crash

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:41 pm
by Kuroyu
It might just be too much work (or a lack of manpower) to check every person in the raid for the items...
Considering how many guilds it happens to, how often the server crashes, and solid proof that the image taken is true to the claim.

Re: Lost items after crash

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:59 pm
by noaireirei
Kuroyu wrote:It might just be too much work (or a lack of manpower) to check every person in the raid for the items...
Considering how many guilds it happens to, how often the server crashes, and solid proof that the image taken is true to the claim.

Then they should fix the loop hole in the ToU and explicitly state that items that haven't been looted are not your items on any level. Guilds can't own items on a collective level before they are looted, but only individuals can own an item after it is looted. These implications for progressing guilds after new content has been released, or any guild at anytime, are very concerning. Fixing the loop hole is not a beautiful solution to the problem, but it would atleast clearly state that guilds have no insurrances what-so-ever. Guilds must be aware of this matter when they progress, as when a number of guilds lost items in BWL this weekend, that they can lose everything due to server instability. Of course Nostalrius shouldn't restore items lost due to social interactions between players, but this is a different topic. When server doesn't deliver a safe environment for those spending hours and hours on this server, people will eventually get concerned. Guilds are teams and items are tools, and this individualistic focus on ownership of items doesn't have a 100% in the the playerbase.