by Narshadda » Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:23 pm
I was excited to enter AV for the first time, because of the possibility of getting the crossbow "Bloodseeker". According to every source I've found, both Vanilla databases and world chat Bloodseeker is supposed to come from either "Hero of the Stormpike" or "Korrak the Bloodrager". The first is supposed to be a followup to the "AV Victory quest, while the other has no prequest. I've completed the AV victory, but didn't get a followup and I completed the Korrak quest I got in altarac. Due to have looted korraks brain I assume the quest I first got was Korrak the everliving. A quest which is supposed to be the repeatable version of the quest which should have given me the crossbow "Bloodseeker". I know the crossbow should be possible to get because I see it all the time on hunters in Ironforge, but I can't seem to find the quest for it myself. There are no more quests for me in Alterac and I haven't found anything in AV which could give methe weapon reward from AV. my question is: Is it bugged or am I missing anything? If bugged is there any way to fix it or have there been any info about fixing it from the devs?