How to solve: "my addons/keybinds settings are gone"
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:03 pm
So a lot of people are confused because a lot of settings have been reset, (happened because they added the pve-realm) , so here's how ya fix it!
Log out and exit the client.
Go into your wow-folders WTF>Account>YourAccountName
go into NostalriusBegins-folder and copy all the data inside (it's one folder per character you have basically)
when you exited the client, a new folder named Nostalrius Begins PvP was auto created,
just paste your copied folders in there instead! If you already have some folder there, delete or overwrite them.
Log out and exit the client.
Go into your wow-folders WTF>Account>YourAccountName
go into NostalriusBegins-folder and copy all the data inside (it's one folder per character you have basically)
when you exited the client, a new folder named Nostalrius Begins PvP was auto created,
just paste your copied folders in there instead! If you already have some folder there, delete or overwrite them.