Hello! I logged in earlier (PvP server) only to find that my gold was mssing. I was left with only some silver. I have a mage 36, but I used to play the retail since 2005. So before opening a ticket to GM and posting this, I already checked my alt ( a warrior I'm leveling too). I started selling almost everything on the auction house since around level 10 and managed to get around 40 gold. I was trying to get enough for my mount when i would hit 40.
So, as i was saying, I logged in and found only 54 silver 38 copper in my bag. The only thing that might be suspicious is that I downloaded some addons yesterday night. Is there a possibility that there is some keylogging in them or anything? (I have no idea how these things work). I have already opened a ticket in-game and as I am waiting for a response, i thought I should ask the forum and see if this has happened to anyone else, or if anyone can help me with it.
Thanks in advance for your answers!