Recieved 24 hr ban for standing on Blacksmith roof of Arathi Basin, was reported by a horde which is fair enough.. i would report too if i thoguth it was not allowed.
GM told me that i had already recieved warnings for safespotting which was true. i was warned for killing players in booty bay where guard NPC's could not attack. he told me since i had been warned before he would issue a ban. except its not safespotting is it.. since there are no guard npc's and players can still attack me.
Secondly i told him about this screenshot:
would love to hear gm comment on the inconsistency here. so here we see a gm saying "safespotting isnt really agaisnt any rules" yet the gm talking to me said it is. totally fair right..
this screenshot was part of the reason i was confident to stay there as it says specifically that it is ok.
not mad about ban but would like an unban if you understand my reasoning. thanks