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keep disconnecting

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:42 pm
by spoofy
I switched over to the PTR server to see if it was still up, turns out its not and just disconnects me. When I try to log back in to go to the PVP server, it just directs me back to the PTR server and it's just becomes a never ending disconnecting loop. Same process happens when I open a new client.

Re: keep disconnecting

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:15 pm
by Pottu

3. If you have altered your and do not wish to throw away the WTF folder, or if for some reason throwing it away does not re-prompt you, then open up with your simpletext program and edit the below lines to say exactly this:

SET realmList ""
SET realmName "Nostalrius Begins PvP"