NA Connection Issues
Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:33 am
by Stork
I'm playing from the East Coast of North America and I understand that I'm far from the server, but the connection has gotten really terrible for me lately to the point that Nostalrius is nearly unplayable. My internet is absolutely fine, however, my connection to Nostalrius still suffers. I don't know if there is a way to fix this or if it is really just a distance problem, but other players from NA don't seem to have as bad of connection issues. Any suggestions?
Re: NA Connection Issues
Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:56 pm
by Valandar
Try hard plugging into your modem/router and not using wifi if you havent already. Does this happen at specific times or all day randomly? Try downloading a free VPN client and running it from an IP in france and see if that helps. Sometimes it is an US ISP issue with communicating with the server.
You need to check to see if its on your end first, you can do this by running and to see if your isp speed is slow, or if there is some packet loss somewhere. And if its not on your end submit a bug report to Nost with the following info: exact date and time of lag, what you were doing and what exact issues you see.