Just after midnight, January 8th, I completed a run of Blackrock Depths with my group. We had opted to kill Princess Moira Bronzebeard, in hopes of her dropping an item for me (the group healer, at the time): 'Hands of the Exalted Herald'. Her corpse was looted shortly before killing the Emperor, and I was happy to see that the item had finally dropped for me. I opted to forego rolling until the fight was over; however, Moira's corpse disappeared promptly after being looted, and we were given the message that "Everyone passed" on the item.
Below is a link to two relevant screenshots, with the message logs shown in the lower-left.
Please excuse the...'colorful' language. It had been a frustrating run of the instance.
If this item can somehow be restored to me, I would be very interested in doing so. Thank you for your time.
Character Name: Artonias
Realm: Nostalrius PvP