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Item went 'missing'

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:20 am
by dominicfaukr
During a 5 man ZF run, Tanglewood Staff dropped. Everyone greeded except for the group leader, who didn't roll at all. He claimed the dialogue went away and that he had rolled greed. The item disappeared from the corpse but didn't seem to go to anyone. I'm willing to bet he ninja'd it, but I cant be sure as there were never any rolls. Is this a known bug or did the item actually go to no-one?
Here's some screencaps After that, there were no more rolling dialogues on the item.

Re: Item went 'missing'

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:51 pm
by Pottu

it is possible (though very rare) for the loot roll window to automatically close and this can lead to the item vanishing with the corpse. In such cases, it's best to switch to FFA to loot the item.

The GM team.